This volunteer group works through the West Lansing Homeowners Association, in conjunction with other local volunteer groups, and support from for the benefit of our community’s local parks and green space. Involvement is open to all who wish to participate.
West Lansing is fortunate to enjoy 3 parks (Gwendolen Park, Albert Standing Park and Franklin Park), 2 schools (Cameron Public School and St. Edward Catholic Elementary School) and the Stuart Greenbelt, within it’s boundary. West Lansing is also adjacent to the wonderful West Don River ravine system, including the Don Valley Golf Course, and Earle Bales Park.
The group is committed to make the most of these treasured resources. They work with residents and other stakeholder groups to explore ideas to address challenges and make improvements. They seek out and leverage various available programs grants or programs. They advocate change. Your input is needed and valued.

Past success stories:
• 80 tree plantings on city street allowances
• Steps from Gwendolen Park to the ravine pathway
• Safety lighting in Gwendolen Park
• Pathway at Radine entrance to Gwendolen Park
• New playground equipment for Franklin Park
• Representation in developing the City’s natural environment trails strategy.
• Community clean ups
• WLHA annual Canada Day BBQ in Gwendolen Park